martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

My Last farewell , el adiós de Pádraig Pearse a su madre

Esta balada irlandesa,  la más querida por mí,  pertenece a Sean y Frank O’Meara y es interpretada por The Barleycorn.    Presenta la última carta de Pádraig Pearse a su madre Margaret Pearse, desde Kilmainham Gaol, en espera de su ejecución, por su participación en el Levantamiento de Pascua de 1916, como uno de sus principales líderes. 

Murió sin saber que su hermano William estaba en la celda contígua y que seguiría su misma suerte, por el sólo hecho de ser su hermano.

Liam y Pádraig Pearse

My Last farewell

Dearest Mother I am writing just to say I won’t be home
There’s something that I have to do and I must do alone
They have took me and they’ve put me in this lonely prison cell
Tonight my thoughts are with you as I say my last Farewell


So say goodbye to Margaret, Mary Bridget and Michál
I have no words to tell you how much I miss you all
And though I may not show it you know I loved you well
So in my final letter I will bid my last farewell
Dearest brother won’t you take good care of all the folks for me
Go home to Rathfarnam on the day they set you free
I was happy when you stood by me in all that we’ve been through
No one has ever had so true a brother such as you


Dearest mother it’s so very sad that now we have to part
To understand the reason would trouble your poor heart
I have told you since I was a boy it was my destiny
To die a true brave soldier so that one day you’d be free


Margaret Pearse y Hannah Sheehy Skeffington - 1921

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